In the newest issue of Papercrafts, I fell in love with a card and have been wanting to make my own ever since I saw it. Tonight at Michael's, I realized they sold the very same paper that the card was made with (Wild Asparagus, of course). So, I bought a few sheets and after everyone went to bed, I played. And this is what I came up with. The original had 'L' and 'love' but since Mother's Day is coming up, I figured I'd give it my own twist. I love the way it came out, even though I left out the stitching that the original one had. It's late... I'm not about to lug out my sewing machine!!! It did take much longer to make than I thought it would... pain in the neck trying to find just the right font and then print it out and position to patterned paper just right. But I think it was worth it.
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